Thursday, October 31, 2019

A question of motivation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A question of motivation - Case Study Example Motivation can also make newly employed workers grasp the operations of an organization quickly. The case study involves conflict between Alex, a worker and Dan, his supervisor. Alex becomes bored for being allocated the same job every day until he dislikes his responsibility. Every day, Dan allocates Alex to arrange and fill shelves with apples to maintain the stock. Denise also works under the supervision of Dan, but does different work in the same store. In spite the fact that both Alex and Denise work under Dan and that Alex does more work than, and have even stayed in the organization longer than Denise, Alex receives lower pay than Denise. Still in the same organization but in different sector, Stephanie an employ who works under the supervision of Jonathan sell truffle oil that earns her good income and bonus when she delivers beyond certain expectations. In the organization, workers view Jonathan as one good supervisor whom everyone would desire to work with. Dan on the other hand is unfair in his dealings and seems to favor Denise at the expense of long serving Alex. Alex, working under the supervision of Dan is demoralized and lacks enthusiasm in his work. This is because Dan allocates him the same job every day with beliefs that someone works well when he practices the same job every day. Just like his colleague Denise who also works under the supervision of Dan, Alex feels that he should do different tasks for different days apart from stocking apples on the shelves.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

External and Internal Marketing Environment Analysis of Nokia Essay

External and Internal Marketing Environment Analysis of Nokia - Essay Example On the other hand, micro-environment of a company is usually made up of the company’s customers, suppliers, competitors as well as the intermediaries. For example, the success of Nokia in terms of its growth and market leadership is largely attributed to the company’s effective management of the dynamics underlying the interactions between external and internal market factors. This is particularly evidenced by Nokia’s strategic position which has been primarily focused on keeping up with technology as well as the production of market oriented services. This paper critically analyzes Nokia’s marketing environment particularly the macro and micro-environmental factors affecting its marketing operations as well as a SWOT analysis of the company. Macro economic factors Macro-environment affecting Nokia Company include; technology, demographics, social, political and economic factors. Legal constraints (such as the G3 technology constraints that Nokia have to p ut into consideration) must be taken into account because many businesses aim to make a profit hence they are tempted to mislead their customers about prices, quality and the availability of the products. They may also cut expenditure by using lesser quality materials in their products (such as weaker materials for Nokia cases and batteries). When it comes to environmental, social and ethical factors Nokia have managed to be quite environmentally friendly and have not done anything that the consuming public may have taken huge to, they have been careful about this and this is one of the reasons they are such a popular brand of mobile phones. According to Lindholm(2003, p.301), Nokia’s marketing environment has grown immensely within the last decade. Moving into the Mobile World Nokia has remained... As the report declares the company’s primary goal is to develop excellent mobile products that will enable billions of people across the world to connect with each other through mobile communication. Currently one of the main challenges facing the company is the increasing competitive and dynamic market. Nokia has however remained as one of the leading mobile manufactures and other information and technology related software and games in east and central Europe. This paper stresses that Generally Companies often relate with two types of environment, Microenvironment and Macro environment. The microenvironment comprises the company’s marketing, customers and competitors and other the related forces which affect demand for a company’s goods. These forces include economics, demographics, technology, politics and culture. Macro-environment affecting Nokia Company include; technology, demographics, social, political and economic factors. Legal constraints (such as the G3 technology constraints that Nokia have to put into consideration) must be taken into account because many businesses aim to make a profit hence they are tempted to mislead their customers about prices, quality and the availability of the products. They may also cut expenditure by using lesser quality materials in their products. Moving into the Mobile World Nokia has remained committed to strong growth, profitability and responsible in market leadership.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Chrysalids: Character Analysis of David

The Chrysalids: Character Analysis of David Waknuk is a religious community that doesnt believe in individuality. Everything must, basically, be the same. Any differences or deviations are hateful in the sight of god. When faced with adversity, individuals are stretched to the limit and tend to show great achievements!   You must go through obstacles and adversity. Thats what provides endurance for the future. David had numerous challenges for him to overcome. The punishment of being a deviant is clearly stated throughout the chapter like sent to the fringes, a feeling of inhumanity and being discriminated which didnt allow him to express feelings or emotions. Being a deviant and having telepathic abilities has many negative effects like being isolated from your family and sent to the fringes but made David a stronger, succeeding person. Having a difference, you are not considered as humans and are sent away banished to the Fringes. These people are then left there to fend for themselves with no sympathy. The consequences of showing deviations from the wider population result in individuals being moved to the Fringes, on the edge of Waknuk. Due to the contaminated soil, there is a limited amount of food available. With the people of Waknuk being symbolic of God with their strict norms, those not fitting the population are considered outsiders and removed from the group. David, over time, gains many opponents because of his difference. Living in such a controlled community made David feel neglected because he encountered diversity due to his differences from the people of Waknuk. Being confronted by town officials, David struggled to fit in with the people of Waknuk as he faced constant hardships regarding his differences.   Recurring differences left David with no choice but to face his fears on a daily basis. To be any kind of deviant is to be hurt always. (Page 167). Waknuk functions under a set of laws and beliefs that discriminate against anyone or anything that does not look normal, ultimately being sent to the fringes. Those who look different in any way from the Image of God as set by the Definition of Man, are isolated from society, and sterilized so that they cannot produce more Deviations. This relates to the quote as they are afraid of the unknown and their differences. Being isolated from society had a positive effect on Davids identify. David was unfamiliar with the brave people of New Zealand, which made him feel inferior because he had to learn to adapt and overcome the feeling of never being accepted. With self-pride and bravery, there was a rise in strength that allowed David to overcome his obstacles, eventually succeeding. There are numerous challenges along with having a telepathic ability, one of them is having a feeling inhumanity. Inhumanity is characterized by cruelty as well as an unjustified behavior. This inhuman behavior results in catastrophic consequences, perhaps why it is not favored.   But, this is evident in the book. For example, The ways of the world were very puzzling David, (Page 9). There was no love and justice when it came to recognizing an individual unusual from the one kind of majority. Deviating features on an uncommon individual lead to victims of hatred crime. At the end of the day, we could all say that The Chrysalids definition of inhumanity is far beyond the normal standards. Assassination of an innocent being, and presentations of ignorance among family and friends are common in such a community. Waknuk can be a harsh place. For example, Anne had seen this just as well as the rest of us, but now she pretended to ignore it. She began to defy her difference by refu sing to respond to us, though whether she shut her mind off altogether, or continued to listen without taking part we could not tell. David, (Page 42). Not only does it show how people in their society behave but is telling us that something needs to change about us as a whole. This also shows how people fear change, David has a feeling of inhumanity changed the way of thinking and made him more closed minded as he was afraid of the consequences. David goes through these obstacles and events represents the skills David had to overcome this event. David let these events affect his behavior. In the Chrysalids, the people of Waknuk are bias contrary to anyone who does not live up to the true image. They will discriminate against anyone who looks or acts differently than the norm do. For example, there are signs all over Davids house saying things like WATCH FOR THOU MUTANT, (Page 2). On the other hand, Sophie has only one extra toe on each foot and she had to be sent away to the Fringes for being different. Also, Aunt Harriots baby has the smallest little mark on her but she was still labeled as a deviation. In Waknuk society, anyone deviating from the true image of God lead to persistent judgement.   For example, a plant devastation is burned, an animal deviations often slaughtered, and human with deferences or who are not the norm are sterilized so they cannot reproduce and sent out into the Fringes. If you are not the true image of God, you are considered unusual and not normal by society in Waknuk. For example, when Sophie is depicted as a deviant, she appears to elope along with her family to protect herself. David lives in constant fear that others will discover his secret of telepathy. Sophie, a character introduced in the first part of the book had to flee the village because she had an unusual number of toes. Having to hide about Sophies toe was a challenge for David as he couldnt express his emotions or opinions about one another which made him a more closed person keeping everything on the inside and not expressing it. In a time of trouble, the adversities David faced revealed his true character. David was isolated from his family, had a feeling of inhumanity, and being discriminated but all these adversities helped to improve Davids mental health and outlook on life, which contributes to strong character. Each adversity David overcomes, he gained invaluable knowledge while growing stronger. Are People Becoming Too Reliant on Technology? Are People Becoming Too Reliant on Technology? Smart phones, Facebook, Netflix, YouTube†¦. The world is living in an era of constant dynamic technological revolutions. Information Technology has become inextricable from everyday life. Information technology refers to combination of computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, and the people that work with these technologies. The main aim of T is to facilitate the life of each and every one, as Steve Ballmer said ( â€Å"The number one benefit of information technology is that it empowers people to do what they want to do. It lets people be creative. It lets people be productive. It lets people learn things they didnt think they could learn before, and so in a sense it is all about potential.† However, IT can be addictive and occupy a huge place in one’s life. IT has brought about a revolution in data processing and storage. Creating a document, editing and storing a document is a task any common individual with basic IT knowledge can achieve. Storing information has become easier and less bulky, for example; a considerable of amount of data, such as a company’s information about its employees can be stored on a computer or in a secondary storage device such as a pen drive, and does not require bulky filing cabinets. This has revolutionized businesses around the world. As Bill Gates said: ( â€Å"Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I dont think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the talking about the other.† Businessmen find it easier to check stock, demand, prices, and investment possibilities. There are dependent on this technology but only because it gives them the possibility to render their businesses more productive. Furthermore IT has allowed tremendous progress in the medical field. The research facilities set up have allowed to find the cure to several diseases and better understanding of many others, for example the use of the electron microscope has led to the understanding of the structure of the AIDS virus. Genetic Engineering has allowed to cure birth defects and treat other genetic diseases. â€Å"Im fascinated by the idea that genetics is digital. A gene is a long sequence of coded letters, like computer information. Modern biology is becoming very much a branch of information technology.† Richard Dawkins ( Machine assisted surgical operations are conducted all over the world to assist doctors in dangerous procedures and provide greater precision and reduce the risk of human error. Monitoring the heart rate, taking the Blood pressure and the amount of oxygen in the body are all machine assisted. People are dependent on IT but the latter allows many lives to be saved and helps to provide better medical assistance. IT has bestowed upon man a great favor: the internet. Man cannot fathom the kaleidoscope of facilities the internet gives him access to. People can learn whatever they want, ranging from astronomy to advanced linguistics while being comfortably seated at home. Access to education has been greatly facilitated as online courses are available to everyone and online degrees and diplomas can be obtained. In addition IT knowledge is a must as: â€Å"In todays knowledge-based economy, what you earn depends on what you learn. Jobs in the information technology sector, for example, pay 85 percent more than the private sector average.† William J. Clinton ( Furthermore, communication in itself has underwent an extraordinary transformation. As Peter Drucker said: ( â€Å"The new information technology Internet and e-mail have practically eliminated the physical costs of communications.† Skype and Facetime allow people to transcend barriers and saves them money as international calls are very expensive whereas these applications are free. Communication costs have been further reduce with the invention of Whatsapp and Viber. Teleconferences are held all over the world and the physical cost of travelling becomes inexistent. However, it is undeniable that IT has become a leech in some people’s lives, particularly youngsters. A recent survey proves that mobile users cant leave their phone alone for six minutes and check it up to 150 times a day. People make, receive or avoid 22 phone calls every day and send or receive messages 23 times a day. Dr James Roberts of Baylor’s Hankamer School of Business in Texas conducted research on the matter and said: ( â€Å"Mobile phones are a part of our consumer culture. They are not just a consumer tool, but are used as a status symbol. They’re also eroding our personal relationships.† With the advent of social media such as twitter and Facebook, people have been engulfed by IT. Youngsters feel the urge of posting everything they do and that happens to them on the internet. It seems to have caused attention deficit disorder outbreak as their self-esteem rises or falls according to the response they get on their posts. Teens all over the world have instagram, twitter, snap chat, etc. Rather than them focusing on school the only thing they care about is that everything on their social media accounts are perfect. It honestly makes no sense whatsoever. The teens are disregarding their school work and only care about those things, a lot of teens are anti-social. The only way they interact with people is through their phones. A lot of the time the people they are considering theyre friends online they have never even met. Teens do not even like to go places because they think their phones are more satisfying than having to actually go outside and do something with their lives other than going on their cell phones. So, yes we are way too dependent on technology. Health problems have also arisen due to overexposure to computers, for example; back pain, eye problems, joint problems, to name but a few. Online films and series have rendered people addicted to them, as they spend a lot of time glued t their monitor with the usual phrase â€Å"just one more episode†. Information Technology is becoming a crutch for humanity. The world is evolving to incorporate technology into every facet of human life. Because of this new reliance people are losing the ability to take care of themselves in an organic and all natural way, for example GPS systems have changed the way we travel. People cant even read a map anymore. To conclude, IT has become an inherent part of modern life. In most cases its use is vital. It facilitates tasks and allows people  to explore all possibilities and also to attain the paroxysm of his capabilities. However it should not be considered the solutions to all problems and an escape from reality. If ever IT is considered to be an evil, it definitely is a necessary one. WEBOGRAPHY/ REFERENCES Steve Ballmer, SB, [online] available from: [Accessed: 16.02.2015] Bill Gates, BG, [online] available from: [Accessed: 16.02.2015] Richard Dawkins, RD, [online] available from: [Accessed: 16.02.2015] William J. Clinton, WJC, [online] available from: [Accessed: 16.02.2015] Peter Drucker, PD, [online] available from: [Accessed: 16.02.2015] Dr James Roberts, JR, [online] available from: [Accessed: 16.02.2015]

Friday, October 25, 2019

Selfish Edna Pontellier of Kate Chopins The Awakening :: Chopin Awakening Essays

Selfish Edna of The Awakening  Ã‚  Ã‚   In   Kate Chopin’s, The Awakening, the reader immediately notices the sexual undertones of Mrs. Mallard and Robert’s relationship and the strained relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Mallard. There are always going to be women who do not want the routine â€Å"married with children† lifestyle, unfortunately in Edna’s time period that was the primary role of women. Had she been living in today perhaps she would have been without a husband and children, possibly totally devoted to a career in the arts and totally single. Back to her reality though: I believe she is unsure if she wants that one true love (supposedly Robert) or if she just wants anyone who will pay her a little attention and is fun (supposedly Alcee Arobin). Edna wants to be Wild and Free, not saying that there is anything wrong with that, but she needs to recognize it for what it is because she is really fooling herself. Edna’s husband is looking for the all devoted wife and mother and Edna is looking for anything that’s not conforming. Due to that it really strikes me as being ironic that she and Mrs. Ratignolle would be such good friends. I can’t tell if that is because secretly maybe Edna wish she could be happy with the life she is leading (like Mrs. Ratignolle) or does she want to have her around as a reminder of all she never wants to be. I found all of her â€Å"times of awakening† to be interesting because they usually included hr being very abrupt and uncooperative with her husband. She liked to wander off without him allot and only seemed to really be happy when quietly tucked away somewhere with someone else (not always a man). I found her to also be a bit vain in that she made sure she got something from everyone she allowed into her life but she didn’t really seem to give back. She was so angry with herself and the world that she was subjected to live the life that she was living that she sometimes wanted to make everyone else pay for it. Her husband and her were apart a lot, so that even if they had been in a good relationship the time apart would have still caused problems â€Å"I believe in out of sight out of mind, rather than, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Importance of Respect

Why respect is so important in today’s society and what exactly is respect? Respect is a combination of appreciation, admiration as well as recognition of a person being worth something, or having earned a position because of their achievements. It could feel at times vague to some people, but most people understand and act with respect. In our modern world respect is sometimes confused with fear. For instance, Gangs, they kill and they fight to earn respect from others but what they actually receive is fear. Domestic abusers might also beat their significant other and demand respect and once again what they receive is fear not respect. In these situations it could become a cycle, reason being; as fear of a person builds inside of someone they lose respect for them as a human being. As regard and respect go down the need of the abuser to force respect gradually goes up, leading to more abuse than ever before. We also can confuse the broad feeling of being in love with respect. When we meet this amazing person and we set them up on a pedestal and they seem to be perfect through our foggy vision of physical reactions. We do not really see who that person is but instead our ideas of what we want to see. This can be especially challenging because it is so easy to confuse the pedestal of perfection for respect. True respect is seeing someone’s, flaws and mistakes, and still feeling appreciation of their unique talents, gifts, insights and simply appreciating the person for being who they are. It is not expecting perfection nor is it beating someone into submission. President Obama is to me a great example of a person who commands respect. Not by using his position but simply by his thoughtfulness, intelligence and presence, unlike past politicians who appear to believe people should simply respect them because of their position and not who they are. Obama is a person I respect, not only because I am a soldier but because he is just simply a respectable human being. I don’t have to like everything a person does or agree with them to respect them. On the other hand, I can really care for someone and not respect them, it can work either way for anyone. Respect, like many things, begins within yourself. Before we can truly respect others you must like and respect yourselves. If we feel we are worthless, dumb, a terrible employee, too this or too that, we will often treat ourselves badly. We will beat ourselves up in our own mind. Then when we meet another person we usually fall in to one of two categories; the â€Å"I am not worthy† as we put our significant other on a pedestal or the â€Å"there must be something wrong with this person if they like me. † At first when we are in the beginning stages of the relationship, we are on cloud nine, all is right in the world and nothing else matters. The beginning stage can last a while and when we are in it we do not think about respect, we are consumed by passion. Over time, the beginning stage fades and if you do not respect or like yourself, the questioning and insecurity start to damage the relationship. When we love and respect ourselves we treat others with respect and we receive the same amount of respect in return. When you really take a moment to think about treating other individuals with respect, it can solve so many issues. When we respect another person, we can begin to trust them to handle the truth in the long run so you should always be honest, trust their judgment in all aspects of life and you should and will demand that other people treat you with the same amount of respect in which you have treated that person or people with. You should always let other people such as, your boss or a fellow coworker know when you are running late and why you are running late, have made a mistake or think that you may have made a mistake , violated an agreement or just need time to be alone and collect your thoughts. When you are showing your respect to someone you should always listen to what they have to say and don’t blame them for your issues, or doubt their opinion on something you have asked for their opinion on. So many relationship, co-worker, and leadership challenges would be so much easier to deal with if you would just take a moment to think about the respect we have for other people and demonstrate that in our actions. This respect goes beyond the workplace, primary relationships, and acquaintances. It extends to the manner in which you’re going to be treated, depending on how you’re treating other people. Respecting time that someone has have set aside for you and giving that other person room for them to complete their tasks. If you respect every person you’re involved with, whether it be at your workplace, home, or just simply socializing at an event. That person will treat you with the same amount of respect, as you have treated them with. The same rules apply when you are at your place of work, communication, honesty and consideration are given out of respect and co-workers relationships can flow a whole lot more smoothly. In my experience when my superior in my workplace is speaking with me, and that person treats me with respect and I treat that person with respect then things work a whole lot more smoothly and everyone is happy. When any living person ignores agreements, pushes boundaries and just in general acts with disrespect towards another person, it is hard and challenging to all involved. When you withhold the truth, Manipulate, or Lie, you might as well be saying I don’t respect that person whether they are in a position of leadership or otherwise. They might think and feel that you can’t handle the truth. That person might also think you do not trust them to get their tasks accomplished and that you don’t trust that they will stand by you through the challenges in any given situation. The challenge with this is that when you don’t live up to the expectations you have promised to abide by, you could become angry and blame that other individual for not being what you might have thought they were. Looking at relationships between co-workers I have witnessed, including my own, the most successful were undeniably people who held each other with great respect. This is as true of business partnerships as well as personal relationships and even parents with their child or children. This is not to say they don’t fight or face challenges in relationships but rather these relationships have a grounded base of respect to help get through the challenges that they might encounter together. When you come from a place of respect, for instance, The United States Military, you do not give stipulations or make demands to be set into stone, you’re going to negotiate with consideration for your partner, co-workers and your own needs and feelings. To respect someone is also to respect their ideas, intelligence, individuality, goals as well as their personal preferences and who they are inside, as a person Life is wonderful but respect is the glue that can allow all different kinds of relationships to grow stronger, more trusting and more confident. Respect also allows everyone to retrieve companionship, understanding and support to make it through the challenges of life. Respect is crucial to lasting relationships, whether it be a work relationship or a personal relationship and also it is crucial to good partnerships, to good business and to build a better community and economy.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Industrial and Personnel Psychology Essay

1. Personal biographical characteristics of note are factors that describe an individual. Factors such as age, gender, marital status and tenure. These characteristics have an impact on the attitudes that an individual may have towards work and dependent variable such as productivity, absenteeism, and turnover and job satisfaction. The relationship between age and job performance is of great importance because it is believed that job performance decreases as age increases. Though not all employers have perceptions of older employees. From a positive perspective it is noted that older employees have more experience, judgment, ethics and commitment. In addition, with older employees, labour turnover is reduced. Because of their longer tenure within the organization they tend to enjoy increased wages, pension and many other benefits and are therefore less likely to leave. With regards to absenteeism and older employees, the evidence is however mixed. Although there are decreases in avoidable absenteeism rates compared to younger employees, there is an increase in unavoidable rates due to poor health due to age, and longer recovery periods. However from a negative point it is noted that older employees lack flexibility, there is a decrease in their productivity due to decreased speed, agility, strength and co-ordination and resistance to change in a changing environment. Consequently, organizations are reluctant to hire older employees. In addition, they tend to retrench them first when it comes to downsizing. Gender in job performance has no evidence that it affects job satisfaction. However there is a difference in work schedules because women mostly prefer part time work or work flexibility due to family responsibilities. With regards to absenteeism women usually have a higher rate of absenteeism than men as women traditionally care for the family. For example when children are sick, it is the mothers who tend to take off work in order to take care of such sick children. Married employees generally have a decrease in absenteeism, turnover and an increase in job satisfaction. This may be due to increased responsibilities. With regards to tenure, there is a positive relationship between seniority and job performance and a negative relationship between tenure and absenteeism. That is an increase in tenure and seniority tends to lead to better performance and an increase in tenure to lead to decrease in turnover. People are organization’s most valuable and expensive resource, but they are the most difficult element of an organization to manage. Individuals are almost infinitely different, they act differently in different circumstances and are, in many ways, entirely unpredictable. This means that, unlike machines, they are not interchangeable or able to be easily designed to do the jobs required of them. In terms of the organization, what we are interested in is the way in which people behave at work-that they perform effectively in pursuit of the organisation’s goals. The starting point for this is an understanding of what makes people behave in the way they do. Although psychologists do not agree on a single definition of personality, there is some consensus that it is concerned with characteristics patterns of behavior and modes of thinking that determine a person’s adjustment to the environment (Hilgard et al 1979:108). Two features of the above definition are noteworthy. In the first place, the word â€Å"characteristic† suggests a degree of performance in personality. In the second place, â€Å"environment† suggests that personality is displayed in a social and physical context. Beyond this consensus, there is a great deal disagreement over the development, structure and dynamics of personality. The correct interpretation and use of the results of personality measures and tests depends a great deal on the theory or approach on which the instruments are based. Without this knowledge, the description of personality may well be miused. Personality can therefore be referred to a dynamic concept describing the growth and development of a person’s whole psychological system. It looks at the whole person rather than at the sum of the individual parts. It is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his or her unique adjustments to his or her environment. An altogether different approach to personality concentrates on identifying and classifying those features that individuals may share. The different categories or types serve to emphasise the similarities within each group and the differences between the groups. These attempts to classify personality features are often referred to as the type or trait approach. There are a number of personality determinants, namely, Heredity, the Environment, or the Situation. Heredity is the process of transmitting biological traits from parent to offspring through genes, the basic units of heredity. Heredity also refers to the inherited characteristics of an individual, including traits such as height, eye color, and blood type. Heredity accounts for why offspring look like their parents: when two dogs mate, for example, they have puppies, not kittens. If the parents are both Chihuahuas, the puppies will also be Chihuahuas, not great Danes or Labrador retrievers. The puppies may be a little taller or shorter, a little lighter or a lot heavier than their parents are. Their faces may look a little different, or they may have different talents and temperaments. In all the important characteristics, however—the number of limbs, arrangement of organs, general size, fur type—they will share the traits of their parents. The principles of heredity hold true not only for a puppy but also for a virus, a roundworm, a pansy, or a human. Genetics is the study of how heredity works and, in particular, of genes. A gene is a section of a long deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule, and it carries information for the construction of a protein or part of a protein. Through the diversity of proteins they code for, genes influence or determine such traits as eye color, the ability of a bacterium to eat a certain sugar, or the number of peas in a pod. A virus has as few as a dozen genes. A simple roundworm has 5000 to 8000 genes, while a corn plant has 60,000. The construction of a human requires an estimated 50,000 genes. Personality characteristics are not completely dictated by heredity however, as otherwise they would remain the same throughout life despite the experiences we have. Environment is referred to all of the external factors affecting an organism. These factors may be other living organisms (biotic factors) or nonliving variables (abiotic factors), such as temperature, rainfall, day length, wind, and ocean currents. The interactions of organisms with biotic and abiotic factors form an ecosystem. Even minute changes in any one factor in an ecosystem can influence whether or not a particular plant or animal species will be successful in its environment. Organisms and their environment constantly interact, and both are changed by this interaction. Like all other living creatures, humans have clearly changed their environment, but they have done so generally on a grander scale than have all other species. Some of these human-induced changes—such as the destruction of the world’s tropical rain forests to create farms or grazing land for cattle—have led to altered climate patterns. In turn, altered climate patterns have changed the way animals and plants are distributed in different ecosystems. Scientists study the long-term consequences of human actions on the environment, while environmentalists—professionals in various fields, as well as concerned citizens—advocate ways to lessen the impact of human activity on the natural world. Situation is one of the determinants of personality which influences the effect of heredity and environment on personality. Personality, which is generally stable, often changes in different situations.  For example, we may behave very differently at a party with our friends as opposed to how we would do at a social gathering of work colleagues and our managers. 2. Attitude refers to an opinion or general feeling about something. Attitudes are, essentially feelings towards people or things. How people feel, what they believe, what they intend to do, and whether and how they do it may all be connected, and may all be related to the process of perception. To try to reduce the confusion in this area over the use of words and concepts such as â€Å"feelings† and â€Å"beliefs†, Fishbein (19670 put forward the following hierarchical model. Beliefs What we think about people, things, relationships etc â€Å"My work provides no challenge† Attitudes Affective responses to those people, things, relationships etc. â€Å"I see work only as a means to getting money† Intentions Congnitive states â€Å"I will look for my challenge in my leisure time† Behavior or Action Observable events â€Å"I take up mountaineering† Attitudes are learned. They derive from our personal reaction to information and events, which manifest themselves as beliefs and feelings about a particular subject. We learn many of our attitudes when we are very young. They are conditioned by those around us and the conditions or situations in which we find ourselves. Some-particularly feelings-are so strong that they stay with stay with us and affect us for the rest of our lives. The range of influences is complex, but it includes the following: * The groups to which we belong-most notably, in early life, the family, but also friendship groups, work groups * Education * Life experiences- particularly the most profound personal ones such as bereavement, etc. but also those experiences which we observe e. g on Tv, or read about. We are aware, too, that our attitudes change over time as a result of the influence of the above factors. For example, it is very often the case that young people have more liberal attitudes than older people, but as they enter work and acquire family and financial commitments and responsibilities they tend to become more â€Å"conservative†. One of the key elemen ts of management in organizations is how to modify or change people’s behaviour. This is central to such features as motivation, securing effective performance, introducing change, etc. whilst as noted above, attitudes do not necessarily condition behaviour, and they are a significant determinant. In organizations, managers use attitude survey to measure and thereby predict behaviour. Managers use information gathered in attitude surveys to guide them in decisions relative to employees. Attitude surveys elicit responses from employees through questionnaires about how they feel about their jobs, work- groups, supervisors and or the organization. Attitude surveys provide managers with valuable feedback on how workers perceive working conditions, and alert them to problems or employee intentions early so that action can be taken in time. Increasingly, attitudinal surveys are being used within organizations to find out about the potential reactions of staff to particular courses of action (for example, organizational change) or to form judgments about their suitability for particular posts (in a similar way to how personality tests are used). Operational methods for attitude surveys generally seek to measure fire components for each belief. Thus, attitudes to work could be measured as follows: * Strength of feeling about the job itself. The strength with which various attitudes are held about different aspects of the job which are listed, measured on perhaps a seven point scale, from â€Å"agree totally† through neutral to â€Å"disagree totally†. * Value of job to self. Evaluating various aspects of the job, again, but in relation to its meaning to the individual. * Social factors. Attitudes and behaviour do not depend on inner perceptions alone, but also upon surrounding social pressures-the person’s perceptions of what others think he/she should do. The social factors must be investigated in order to understand all the factors determining behaviour. * Overall attitude An overall assessment of the respondent’s attitudes to the contex of the job and to work itself, for example, the value and meaning it has in his/ her life. This is a useful measure as it allows more generalized attitudes to the job to be explored. * Intended behaviour Potential reactions to different scenarios about the job or its context. Although hypothetical, this prediction makes an interesting correlation with actual behaviour. Surveys must have a very clear specification of what they are seeking to measure. Just as with personality tests, there is the ever present danger that the way in which questions are phrased, or the underlying assumptions made, will influence the outcome. Job satisfaction and its opposite, job dissatisfaction, refer to the attitudes and feelings job holders have towards their work. Morale can be viewed as a state of mind dependent on the dependent on the degree of job satisfaction experienced by an individual or group. There is general agreement that job dissatisfaction can have harmful effects on both job holders and the organization. Research has associated job dissatisfaction with all the indicators of low morale-high labour turnover, skills wastage, absenteeism, high accident rates, poor timekeeping and a lack of commitment to quality. An individual with low job satisfaction may suffer frustration and stress. Although stress may arise from many quarters, it is the inability to deal with and manage stress that afflicts the individual who suffers job dissatisfaction. Job satisfaction is determined by a number of factors namely, mentally challenging work, equitable rewards, supportive working conditions, and supportive colleagues. Research has shown that employees prefer jobs that give them opportunities to use their abilities and skills. Characteristics such as freedom, feedback and a variety of tasks make work mentally challenging and allow employees to feel pleasure and satisfaction. On other hand, jobs that are not mentally challenging create boredom, frustration and feelings of failure. Employees want rewards (e. g. pay, promotions) that they perceive as just and in line with their expectations. Satisfaction will occur if pay is seen as based on job demands, skill and community standards. It is not the actual amount of pay that counts, but rather the perception of fairness. Individuals that also perceive promotional decisions as fair will be job satisfied. Employees are concerned with working conditions that are comfortable and that enable one to do an optimal job. Environmental factors such as temperature, light, noise should not be too extreme. Factors such as proximity to home, cleanliness, technology and adequate tools, help increase job satisfaction. As well as tangible achievements, employees also work for social interaction. Therefore having friendly and supportive co-workers and superiors also lead to increased job satisfaction. On many occasions managers’ interest in job satisfaction centers on its effect on employee performance. Therefore studies have been made to identify the relationships between satisfaction and performance. Organized studies in particular have focused on the effect of satisfaction on the dependent variables such as Productivity, Absenteeism and Turnover. There is no real proof that satisfaction leads to productivity. The saying â€Å"a happy worker is a productive worker† is wishful thinking. Often productivity leads to satisfaction and not the other way around. Productivity leads to increase in rewards, recognition, which in turn increases satisfaction. Satisfaction may lead to productivity on an organization level rather than on an individual level. Dissatisfied workers are more likely to be absent. This relationship can be affected however by sick leave benefits which might encourage workers to be absent. While satisfied employees are less likely to leave work. This can however be affected by, labour market conditions, expectations about alternative job offers and length of tenure. Level of satisfaction is less important in predicting turnover for superior employees as more effort is made to keep these individuals. Satisfaction-turnover relationship is also affected by the individuals disposition towards life. If two people are dissatisfied the positive one is more likely to leave.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Stanford White Essays - William Rutherford Mead, Stanford White

Stanford White Essays - William Rutherford Mead, Stanford White Stanford White Stanford White, the son of Richard Grant White a noted writer, editor, music critic, and Shakespearean scholar, was born in New York City on November 9, 1853. As a boy, he showed a talent and interest in drawing and the arts, which was greatly encouraged by his family. Although he had no formal training in art, he attended private schools and studied under tutors, Stanford White demonstrated a remarkable artistic gift; he was able to convey an outdoor atmosphere or a particular mood on paper. He wanted to follow a career as a painter, but did not know how to prepare himself. Most American painters were self taught, and art instruction was scarce at the time, so White went to painter John La Farge, a friend of his father, for advice. La Farge bluntly told young White to abandon his thoughts of a career as a painter. He suggested that White should try a career in architecture instead. At the age of sixteen, White was introduced to Henry Hobson Richardson, one of the first Americans to study at the Ecole de Beaux Arts in Paris. The Ecole de Beaux Arts served as the first source for formal American architecture. When Richardson met the tall, thin freckle faced child, he was impressed with White?s enthusiasm, an enthusiasm that later characterized him as a mature man. At the age of nineteen, after studying for a while in New York, White went to work for Richardson in New York as a student draftsman. White quickly developed skill in design. He worked with as one of Richarson?s chief assistants on many important works. While working, White met his future partner Charles McKim, who also attended the Ecole de Beaux Arts, and worked for Richardson the same time White did. In 1872, McKim left his job to start his own architectural firm with William Rutherford Mead and William Bigelow as partners. White left Richarson?s office on an extended visit to Europe ! in 1878. When he was in France, he met up with McKim again, and the two traveled together through southern France and Spain. In 1880, as a result of the trip, White was asked to join McKim and Mead as partnership; Bigelow had retired.McKim, Mead, and White had a very successful partnership, which can be seen in all the buildings they designed. In 1884, White married Bessie Springs of Smithtown. Three years later, they had a son, Lawrence Grant White, who later went on to become an architect, join with his father?s firm in 1914, and in 1920 become a partner. White was a connoisseur of beautiful things in architecture, other arts, antiques, decoration, and in women. One woman White found to be attractive was a sixteen year old artist model and chorus girl, Evelyn Nesbit, with whom he became romantically involved. White at the time was living apart from his wife. He was living in New York city, and she was living in their house in St. James. A few years later, Evelyn Nesbit married Harry K Thaw, the son of a rich railroad tycoon. Thaw lived a wild life, and was said to be a drug addict. He was madly jealous over the affair his wife had, before they were married, with White. Stanford White died, at the age of fifty-three, at the height of his fame and popularity. On the evening of June 5, 1906, while attending the summer opening of the Garden?s Roof Show, White was killed by Harry Thaw, who had approached and shot him from the rear. Stanford White was a man of his times; he was definitely a colorful person who believed in living well. For two decades, he was a commanding force in New York life. As well, he was a leading man in turn of the century, upper class New York social life. Which would have been different had it not been for White?s strong personality and influence at the center of so many events. As an architect, he maintained high standards for comfort and design, with some of his buildings being the most notable of the time. With his partners, White dominated his profession in the United States for some time. The firm of McKim, Mead, & White was

Monday, October 21, 2019

Thomas Putnam Essay Example

Thomas Putnam Essay Example Thomas Putnam Paper Thomas Putnam Paper Throughout the play â€Å"The Tempest†, themes and characters are used symbolically to represent challenges to ethics through provoking both conscious and unconscious thought within the audience. From this, the author – Arthur Miller is able to attack commonly held beliefs and tendencies held at the time of publishing the play without causing unwanted alarm; in a time of mass hysteria anyway. Perhaps a less obvious, though nonetheless effective way of achieving this, is through the character of John Proctor. From early on the paly, Proctor appears a relatable, sound townsman to Salem. This is portrayed through Proctors early dismissal of the prospect of witchcraft being present in Salem; â€Å"What’s this mischief then? † Hence allowing the audience to subconsciously align Proctor as a source of reliable information, due to the downright absurdity at the prospect of witchcraft to the nineteen fifties audience. Despite this, early on in the play, it becomes apparent John Proctor has – like most people – made mistakes that he would much rather forget. This is palpable from the line: â€Å"No, no Abby. That’s done with. † This implies he has indulged in something intimate with young character of Abby, which although making him seem arguably slovenly, may actually make him more relatable in that he does not seemingly wade through gold per se, as many other character such as Parris make out. To continue further, the character of Proctor ensures the audience are in no sense believing in the chance of witchcraft, hence aiding the accumulation of absurdity at the happenings of persecution, prejudice and peril throughout the play. Similarly, the character of Proctor always allows the placement of other characters within the minds of the audience. An example of this lay within the exchange between Thomas Putnam, Reverend Parris and John Proctor as they quarrel over the ownership of land. Putnam is clearly labeled as a villainous character through the line of Proctors; â€Å"This bag will not be a bag to swing around your head, Mr. Putnam. † The metaphor describes a somewhat barbaric method of emptying the contents of the bag, ergo the line can be somewhat interpreted as to suggest Thomas Putnam aims only to exploit and gain whatever he can from the phenomena that is the witch hunt.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Making a Living as a Life Story Writer

Making a Living as a Life Story Writer A business card left at a coffee shop that garners a $50,000+ writing gig. Same card, different coffee shop, that results in a feature story in a local publication. No, its not the card thats magic, but the profession it advertises: life story writer. Those were only two of the many strokes of good luck Ive had since I started my career as a life story and family history writer nearly ten years ago. The genre, also known as personal history, serves a population of mostly older adults eager to preserve their stories without having to do the writing themselves. The books are intended for family and friends, not the wider public, so theres no need for queries, book proposals, agents, or publishers- just a client willing to invest the time and money to record their cherished memories. Heres how it works: I sit down with a client for a series of interviews in which we talk about their growing-up years, their parents and siblings and relatives, their first loves, their war experiences, their careers, their challenges and joys, their reflections on what it all means- in other words, anything they feel moved to talk about. In between interviews, Im at my desk, shaping our transcripts into a compelling narrative that will, if Im doing my job right, give future generations a glimpse of family members they may or may not have ever met. This kind of writing does more than reveal the character of the narrator; it also brings to life long-ago eras. Think about it: The fifty years or so that separates the generation of grandparents from their grandchildren means that they will each spend the bulk of their life in two vastly different worlds- even if they live in the same town. Its the difference between a horse-drawn plow and an air-conditioned combine, between a one-room schoolhouse and a middle school with a thousand kids, between an outhouse and a heated toilet seat. The world is changing fast; people who hire me want their descendants to know what the world used to look like. Why has it been so easy to find clients and publicity? Two reasons. The first is a swell in interest in life stories. With genealogy the second most searched topic on the internet (Ill leave you to imagine the first), with DNA kits topping the list of holiday gifts and shows like Who Do You Think You Are? topping the charts, its clear that people are curious about their roots. And because were storytelling creatures, its only natural that the focus should swing from data- birthdates, death dates, cemetery plot numbers- to what we really love: the stories that bring it all to life. And the second reason Ive been able to make a living as a life story writer? Supply and demand. There may be loads of clients wanting to hire someone to write their story, but there arent loads of writers to do so. Im guessing thats because most writers have never heard of this niche. What a shame. Not only is it a way to earn your keep

Saturday, October 19, 2019

International marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

International marketing - Essay Example The assignment delineates from different perspectives how information technology and systems has changed the demeanour of marketing across nations, in the global arena. The paper emphasises the fact how IT has influenced marketing from strategic planning, execution and evaluation of marketing programs to decision making; information technology has brought about drastic implications for marketing personnel, specifically for those operating internationally. The assignment also discusses the trickledown consequences of the IT assimilation with the marketing function and how it has in fact distinctly changed the way products are manufactured, marketed and distributed internationally; it has radically transformed how brands are built in a global scale and has also determined new grounds for creating long lasting and loyal end-user customer and organisational relationships in the international dome. Importance of Information for Marketing Sooner than discussing the importance of informatio n and technology systems in marketing, it is important to first consider what an information system actually is and why it is so crucial for marketing. Marketing in general, is all about gaining information over the existing and emerging needs of the consumers that comprise the market, doing research and devising strategic plans for accumulating resources for execution of plans, production of required products, promotion and publicity, distribution of the same to ensure availability of goods and services to the market which eventually satisfies those prevailing consumer needs. Briefly marketing is that only vital business function that provides organisations the platform to get to know to and interact with the end user customers and consumers. So, marketing would be an incomplete extravagant effort without prompt, precise and continuous information flow about the market. Therefore, an information system is the part and parcel of marketing function and activities. An information syst em on the other hand is an organised automated program that assures timely, precise and incessant flow of information for managerial use. So, the contemporary organisations are increasingly incorporating information systems and technologies with marketing to make the most of their IT investments and marketing proficiencies for gaining command over the market needs. As a result of which diverse marketing information systems are being successfully established and executed by both local and international organisations (Doole and Lowe, 2008). Philip Kotler, the guru of marketing, considers that an integrated marketing information system is over and above a mere system of collection of data and is beyond any set of information technology or systems; a marketing information system is an enduring and cooperating structure of people, paraphernalia and procedures to draw together, arrange, study, evaluate, and disseminate relevant, timely and precise information for use by

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ecomonic Systems PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ecomonic Systems - PowerPoint Presentation Example To attain full utilization of the available limited, resources in a state, it entails adequate and effective apportioning, which calls for the intervention of diverse entities. For illustration, every entity has its core role that another party cannot manage effectively to accomplish. Conventional adopted economic systems encompass free market, mixed economy and planned economy (Duffy, 2008). Free Market Regime participation is minimal or all together neglected because the private and the client are the determiners in this system (Richards & Nwanna, 2010). In this system, both the consumer plus seller are liable for their actions or verdicts, which they normally implement while trading. This entails that the commodities price or value aligns with the demand or supply forces. Hence, no stringent measures regarding the prices, except that they should be fair and do not exploit the consumer, which denotes both sides benefit mutually. The market forces lies on demand, supply and ascertai ns shifting or fixing of varied commodities’ values (Richards & Nwanna, 2010). In the incidences where the demand of a certain merchandise falls contrasted to its supply, then it yields to price decline. Nevertheless, when the supply falls, the demand and value usually hike. This system usually offers absolute command on price in ascertaining apportion of resources in the market (Zhou, 2011, p. 223). The minimal involvement of the government entails ensuring order and fair prices that compare with commensurate forces of demand and supply (Zhou, 2011). Hence, prompting the sellers to be true to their ideals in exercising their privileges in a free environment (Richards & Nwanna, 2010). Contrary to other systems, issues regarding tariffs or subsidies are nonexistent. The private firms in accordance to the forces apparent in the market ascertains what to generate and when for the client. Since, the client is the determinant in deciding what to buy and depends on the occasion at disposal. Consequently, assist in utilization and apportioning of resources efficiently (Richards & Nwanna, 2010). Controlled economic system The government exercises its full right in assigning and determining to the details the verdict regarding diverse resources (Kamimura, Burani & Franca, 2011). Private lacks necessary command, thus denoting its influence is nonexistent over the economic tasks, which the regime plans. Suppose the private has to be involved, it entails that, on its part to give full compliance to resources and diverse necessities, since they are under the regime. Government is the sole determinant regarding what to fabricate, extent, value and mode proposed for sound production aimed at protecting the clientele from exploitation. The system entails that every commodity in the market must have directives emanating from the planners (Kamimura, Burani & Franca, 2011, p. 88). Contrarily, this may possess false forecasts or wrong verdicts that are divergent to the con sumer’s demand. Hence, yielding to the respective parties (consumer and private) incur loss silently for them lack the necessary authority to improve their situations. However, the system hardly experiences joblessness incidences since the government solely regulates allocation of human resource (Kamimura, Burani & Franca, 2011). Mainly, it seeks diverse opportunities to ensure that there are no such shortages, which might

Research Project Diabetes Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Project Diabetes - Research Proposal Example 6. 7. . 8. Introduction to Diabetes Diet. . 9. Blanchette, K. RD, CDE. The "Diabetic" Diet. . 10. The Australian Nutrition Foundation. Diet and Diabetes. 11. 12. Bernstein, K.. The Diabetes Diet. 13. USA TODAY. Fighting Diabetes. 14. Helpguide. Diabetes Diet and Nutrition. 15. Patienplus. Diabetes, Diet and Exercise. . 16. BeatingDiabetes. Beating . 17. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. Diabetic Diet. . 18. Diabetes. . 19. Rosenzweig J., M.D. Hamdy, O., M.D., Ph.D and Campbell, A. M.S., R.D., C.D.E. Diet and Diabetes: A Personalized Approach. . 20. The New York Times. Diabetes diet. . In order to compose the previous list, I have followed these next steps. Three different search engines were used:, and For the search engine the key words used were: Diabetes diet, and the number of hits produced were...Based upon my preliminary research and the results I may find, I should narrow it down to diets, medicines, side effects, etc. As I have mentioned before, Diabetes is a very mortal disease, ranked as the fifth cause of death in the world. While trying to understand the disease I found out the different types of Diabetes. Once on that stage I found out that Diabetes could be treated, in some cases, by reforming one's diet. For that reason I have decided to focus my research on diets for the several types of Diabetes, including the ones affecting children. For the search engine the key words used were: Diabetes diet, and the number of hits produced were about 66,600,000. The first one hundred pages from the list, were surfed, in order to obtain the addresses of some of the web pages from the previous list. For the second search engine,, the key words used were: Diabetes diet, and it produced about 1,330,000 hits. Also for this search engine, the first one hundred web pages were examined in order to develop the previous list. The procedure used, was not effective since the three search engines produced about the same internet pages.

The control of the Exercise of Proprio Motu Powers by the Prosecutor Case Study

The control of the Exercise of Proprio Motu Powers by the Prosecutor of the ICC - Case Study Example At this point, all the investigations that had been opened were either received from the Security Council or referred by State in reaction to Darfur. Earlier before this case, the Prosecutor turned down the request to open investigations in Venezuela and Iraq. This step resulted to both fears and jokes of the Article 15 opponents as they felt that it might get to the point of politicizing OTP operations who might in turn utilize his powers to get back to the western powers1. Such fears still exist till now especially with more investigations being opened in Africa. Article 15 provides that in an event that the Prosecutor has the mandate to conclude that there exists reasonable basis for an investigation to proceed, then he or she shall have to table an authorization request before the Pre-Trail Chamber of an investigation. This submission has to be accompanied with concrete supporting material. At this point, the victims can now make representations according to the Rules of Procedur e and Evidence to the Pre-Trail Chamber (Amediola, 2006, 349). ... This is to determine if the crime committed falls under the courts jurisdiction, whether the court can be considered as being admissible according to Article 17 and whether that particular investigation will not be to the interest of justice. Based on the above, the PTC II believes that it has the right to authorize an investigation to commence on condition it is in control of all the mentioned elements; the most important of all being the jurisdiction of the court and the admissibility of the case. The Admissibility Issue The PTC II acknowledges the need for a Prosecutor supervision to ensure that his or her obligations under the Statute are mirrored. It requires that if the statue expects the Prosecutor to evaluate admissibility, then the PTC has to control this evaluation2. However, this contradicts with the Court law case with relation to Pre-Trail Chambers in assessing issuance admissibility of a warrant of arrest under Article 58 (Bruce 2004, 13). In a situation where there cri mes are widespread and the victims are many, like what happened in Kenya, then the Prosecutor has to insist on the crimes scale. Hence the gravity threshold has to be refined further for it to have an ICC procedural rule. Crimes against Humanity The crimes that were allegedly committed in Kenya are believed to be crimes against humanity because the situation did not leave the prosecutor with many options as its scope did not fall under war crimes or genocide as there were no armed conflicts involved. The question that remains is to determine whether the attacks that took place amounted to what was termed as crime against humanity as stated in Article 7 Statute of the ICC (Bolton 1999, 71). According to the Rome Statute, crime against humanity means the acts committed

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Break an un written rule of comunication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Break an un written rule of comunication - Essay Example Contravening these rules usually leads to conflict between the communicating parties, especially when inappropriate body language is offensive, inconsequentially seductive, or abusive. A person must always turn to the door and wait until his or her floor is reached upon entering an elevator, stands as one of the rules. Moreover, when a person is sitting across other people, he or she should not look at them for more than two seconds. These rules are some of the unwritten rules that people must always respect. In this case, the paper provides my personal experience in which I broke one of the unwritten rules of nonverbal communication while working at a grocery store. Nonverbal communication should be conscious and purposeful. It should not go against ethics, respect the privacy of other people, and articulate the intended message without digressing. In my case, I happened to break one rule of nonverbal communication when I was attending to a customer who had visited the grocery store. As an attendant at the grocery store, I am always so alert that I see a customer that visits the store. On the fateful day, a male customer came to buy some commodities. From afar, he was adorned in a black designer suit that displayed his great body with his skin tone beaming with freshness. I was so quick to notice his looks even before he reached the store. My eyes were glued to him from the moment he alighted from his car to the time he reached the grocery store. I had given a sufficient amount of time with a stern look that depicted my admiration. He sashayed to the store and was in need of some commodities. At this point, I had already broken the rule of looking at a person directly for more than two seconds. We had locked eyes, and I looked at him for more than 20 seconds. He frowned and looked at me with sharp eyes perhaps wondering why was looking vacantly into his eyes and outfit. I felt that the man was offended since the look he gave me displayed his dismay,

Financial analysis of Sainsbury plc and Tesco Plc Essay

Financial analysis of Sainsbury plc and Tesco Plc - Essay Example The paper will highlight the Key features and the current strategies directed by the companies followed by the Calculation of financial ratios for each company, and Compare with earlier years, that allow to judge the financial performance and position for the company, and to interpret if the company's assessment of its own performance as shown in the Financial Highlights and Chairman's Statement a good representation. Then comparison of the two companies together, followed by comparison with the industrial average. The basic structure of this research essay will be divided to five sections: Firstly: Brief definitions of the company’s activities and their major business, when they operate as well as the current strategies directed by the company and also why choose these two firms; Secondly: The calculation of the financial ratios; Thirdly: Financial Analysis; Fourthly: the limitations of ratios; Finally summary and conclusions. This research essay will also make a research int o thedifferent type of stock price prediction models and will select the time series model to predict the stock price for two years and then compare them with the actual stock price of the above companies and present the reasearch findings and will make a detailed analysis of the same.A intercompany analysis between Tesco and Sainsbury will be carried over and also a comparison with the industry’s average will also carried over to know how these companies are performing as compared to the industry’s average. 1. Short Narration of the Activities of the Companies Sainsbury Plc Sainsbury being a supermarket chain, J. Sainsbury Plc is a renowned retailer operating from London and also ventured into construction activities, real estate and owning a commercial bank in UK. Established in the year 1869, Sainsbury is having around 337 convenience stores and 557 Supermarkets, and Sainsbury owns a floor space ranging from 15,000 to in excess of 40,000 square feet and has supermar ket branches throughout the UK and in the UK and about forty percent of these products are own brands of Sainsbury. Salisbury is having more than 5000 own brands in health and food sector. Apart from the grocery and food products, the majority of the Sainsbury stores offers fish and meat counters, a delicatessen, bread baked on the premises of Sainsbury, coffee shops, pharmacies, gas stations and restaurants. By sales value, Salisbury is the largest UK retailer of Fairtrade products as it sourced ethically and responsibly around ?280 million in the year 2011 alone. Under the brand names of Jackson’s and Bells Stores, Sainsbury manages its convenience stores and also offers a variety of the local brand mainly through the Shell franchise. Sainsbury also markets its own brands along with specialty and ethnic food products like Indian, American, Asian, Italian, low-priced products and organic products. Sainsbury also added house wares and clothing to its retail list of products. Sainsbury also owns a bank in collaboration with the Bank of Scotland, which was the first-ever bank owned by a supermarket in the UK, and its clients numbers have surpassed more than two million numbers as of date. With regard to land associated with the Sainsbury Supermarkets, it is being managed by Sainsbury Property Company and JS Developments, a Sainsbury’s real estate development company. State the different sectors in which saninsbury deals, % revenue In 2006, Sainsbury acquired 4 stores from Somerfield. (Plunkett 2008). As of 2011, Sainsbury is having in a week around 21 million customer transactions and have a market share around 16% in the UK. Sainsbury is offering employment to more than 150,000 individuals. During the year 2011, Sainsbury opened extra 47 convinient stores, and it had

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Break an un written rule of comunication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Break an un written rule of comunication - Essay Example Contravening these rules usually leads to conflict between the communicating parties, especially when inappropriate body language is offensive, inconsequentially seductive, or abusive. A person must always turn to the door and wait until his or her floor is reached upon entering an elevator, stands as one of the rules. Moreover, when a person is sitting across other people, he or she should not look at them for more than two seconds. These rules are some of the unwritten rules that people must always respect. In this case, the paper provides my personal experience in which I broke one of the unwritten rules of nonverbal communication while working at a grocery store. Nonverbal communication should be conscious and purposeful. It should not go against ethics, respect the privacy of other people, and articulate the intended message without digressing. In my case, I happened to break one rule of nonverbal communication when I was attending to a customer who had visited the grocery store. As an attendant at the grocery store, I am always so alert that I see a customer that visits the store. On the fateful day, a male customer came to buy some commodities. From afar, he was adorned in a black designer suit that displayed his great body with his skin tone beaming with freshness. I was so quick to notice his looks even before he reached the store. My eyes were glued to him from the moment he alighted from his car to the time he reached the grocery store. I had given a sufficient amount of time with a stern look that depicted my admiration. He sashayed to the store and was in need of some commodities. At this point, I had already broken the rule of looking at a person directly for more than two seconds. We had locked eyes, and I looked at him for more than 20 seconds. He frowned and looked at me with sharp eyes perhaps wondering why was looking vacantly into his eyes and outfit. I felt that the man was offended since the look he gave me displayed his dismay,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Dama presented for examination Essay Example for Free

Dama presented for examination Essay A written account of practical work undertaken in year 11 resulting in a piece of drama presented for examination. We started the Christmas term 2001 with group warm-up exercises, before even thinking about what we were going to perform in late November or who we were going to work with. These were fun class activities, used to build up group relationships. We did such things as human noughts and crosses, using nine chairs in a 3 by 3 square with the girls as noughts and the boys as crosses. We played 5 games, resulting in one draw and the boys winning 3 to the girls 1. It was fun and used really to warm us up. We then went on to play two games of winking murder. We all sat round in a circle on chairs with our eyes closed while Mrs. Powles walked round the circle tapping someone on the shoulder, telling that person that they are the murderer. Then its all eyes open and we try to work out who the murderer is. Meanwhile, the murderer is winking discreetly at people, killing them. It was very enjoyable and it helped to build up group relationships. Following that, we were assigned the task of pretending to be a salesperson of some description at a drinks evening. We had to decide what we were selling and how to sell it. Once that was decided, we had to go around the class introducing ourselves to each other and trying to sell our product to them in under 2 minutes. It involved much interaction between us all and helped tremendously to strengthen group relationships. Shortly after, we were asked to write on a piece of paper who we wanted to work with and who we did not want to work with if we thought that we would not produce to the best of our ability if we were with them. Finally, I ended up working with Elise, which was great as I had never worked with her before and we were good friends. She didnt seem to complain either, which was a good sign. Then we spent an entire double lesson going through all of Mrs. Powles plays that she had to decide on one to perform an extract out of for the exam in December. We settled finally on an extract from the play The Norman Conquests by Alan Ayckbourn, as we both decided that we wanted to do a comical piece, but not farcical, so it fitted nicely. After searching through the book for a while, we finally came across a suitable duologue between Norman and Sarah. Norman is a librarian, but this definitely does not define his character at all. He is a womaniser, married to Ruth, attempted to have an affair with her sister Annie who is engaged to Tom, and is now working his charms on his other sister-in-law, Sarah, Elises character, who is married to Reg. Sarah is a more strict, clean, and prim character. However, it is sometimes clear that Sarah is quite jealous of Annie because she is the one that Norman says he wants and she wants to replace Annie in Normans eyes. It does eventually happen, as in the second scene they kiss. The extract immediately appealed to both of us, so we decided to give it a try. The extract we did in November was actually two different dialogues taken from two different points in the play. The first is set in the living room in the house and the second is set in the garden. Immediate difficulties we experienced with the exert were few, but as ever there were some. The biggest problem in my mind at the beginning was how to perform the kissing part of the second scene effectively and without embarrassment. It really needed to look convincing as it is the peak of Sarahs life, experiencing the closest thing she will ever feel to true love. It was essential that this came across in the performance. Then came the blocking of the scenes. First of all we just exchanged ideas and thoughts, coming up with a skeletal plan for how to go about performing both scenes. We discussed things such as how lines should be spoken, facial expressions and other small but significant effects. Afterwards we concentrated mainly on the first scene to get that near-perfect before trying the second scene. Once we had familiarized ourselves with the scene and had fairly certain ideas about what to do, we started to really act it out. Not long after, we did hot-seating as a class in which the person in the hot-seat had to answer their questions as their character. I enjoyed listening to other people answer questions with much thought, as they delved into previously unexplored regions of their character. When my turn came, I found it to be a very interesting experience, being able to answer questions as a different person. I had to capture his frame of mind and be able to answer the questions convincingly as Norman. It really helped me to get to grips with Normans character, behaviour and motivation and also to further my acting ability as Norman. When it was Elises turn, it too helped me to understand her character better than I previously did, which enabled me to respond to her better in the play. Following that, we spent most, if not all, of our time concentrating on the first scene, filling in the gaps and finalising parts of it. Performing it in front of the class also helped a lot as it was open to criticism and any ideas from the class or Mrs. Powles. One idea that really affected what we had rehearsed so far was that at the beginning of the first scene, Sarah storms in and physically removes my feet from the arm of the armchair before she sits on it. We had thought this to be a good idea to convey that Sarah was angry with Norman, which she was. The suggestion was that this was not a bad idea, just that it would be more effective if Sarah came in and stared at my feet distastefully, as if daring me to leave them there. When I then remove them, she brushes the arm with her hand before sitting in the chair. This, we decided, was much better than our original plan as it shows that Sarah is a less physical person, more prim and uptight. Throughout all the extract from then on, the amount of physical interaction Sarah did was kept to a bare minimum. We started needing the script less and less and we started on the second scene a definite sign of all-round progress. I found the second scene much more difficult to do than the first, mainly for two reasons. The first was that I had to act drunk, as prior to this scene, offstage, Norman has been consuming large amounts of wine. The real difficulty with this was that I had to appear drunk by staggering around and slurring my words. The staggering part was okay to act but the slurring was the real problem as I still had to be understood by the audience. With practice and advice form Mrs. Powles, however, this problem was soon overcome. The second problem was the kissing part. We knew this would be difficult when we chose the piece, but we still chose to do it. Once the initial embarrassment of it was overcome, there was still an awkward feeling as Elise was my friend. But this we endured right up to the end. As the exam date drew nearer, we spent our time polishing up the piece and adding finishing touches to it, such as sound effects and music. We spent a lot of time searching through the sound effects for some birdsong to be used at the beginning of the second scene, just to inform the audience that it was set outside. As for music, we originally thought about using When a man loves a woman, but in the end we decided on using Irresistible by the Corrs. For lighting effects, we used straw and golden gels on fresnel spots. With regards to costume, we decided that I would look best in a pair of corduroy trousers with a check shirt. But unfortunately I could not obtain a pair of corduroy trousers, so we settled for a pair of chinos with a leather belt. This, we thought, conveyed Normans character quite well; not trendy or modern, yet laid back and charming. For Sarah, we both decided that Elise would look appropriate in a grey skirt suit, as it would convey Sarahs prim and proper personality. When the final day came, it went very smoothly. Neither of us made any real mistakes and our lines were as perfect as they ever would have been. Overall we were both very pleased with our final performance. And, thankfully the audience did seem to enjoy it as they laughed in all the right places, sometimes a bit more enthusiastically than we both had previously expected, which could have meant only good things.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Mary The Virgin Mother Religion Essay

Mary The Virgin Mother Religion Essay Mary was the virgin mother of our savior Jesus Christ. She was born in One night the angel Gabriel came to Mary while she was at her cousin Elizabeths house. The angel said to Mary Hail favored one! The Lord is with you. Mary was frightened at the appearance of the angel. The angel said Do not be scared, Mary, cause you have found favor with God. Mary, you will have a child given to you by the Holy Spirit, and you will name him Jesus. Mary did not understand because she had not had sexual relations with any man. Gabriel told Mary the child was given to you by the Holy Spirit, and therefore the child will be called Holy, the son of God. Also your cousin Elizabeth has conceived a baby in her late years, and this is her six month, for nothing is impossible with God. Mary said I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done according to your word (The Silent Scream). When Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel, she was betrothed to a carpenter from Bethlehem named Joseph. In Jerusalem, if you were pregnant before you were married and the baby didnt belong to the person the woman was betrothed to, the women was stoned to death by the village. Joseph and Mary were married after Joseph was assured by an angel in a dream that she conceived a child by the Holy Spirit (Delaney pg.390). When Mary was pregnant with Jesus, Joseph and her traveled to Bethlehem where Joseph was from, to register in their census that was ordered by King Herod. Mary traveled on a donkey to Bethlehem. When Mary and Joseph finally reached Bethlehem there were no rooms at any of the inns. But a manager at one of the inns told Mary and Joseph they could stay in his manager. So Mary and Joseph stayed in the manager where she had Jesus. Word traveled around that there would be a messiah from the highest of the high, and that he would come and rule his people, and save them from sin. King Herod feared that Jesus would be a rival to his throne (Delaney pg. 390). After King Herod died, they returned and settled back in Nazareth (Delaney pg. 390). The only thing that is known about Mary in the years she lived in Nazareth is Jesus presentation in the temple and one incident on a trip back from Jerusalem when Jesus was lost. Mary and Joseph found him in a temple talking with the doctors there about God (Delaney pgs. 390+ 391). Mary was a key figure in Jesus first miracle at The Wedding Feast of Cana. Mary and Jesus were invited to a wedding, and they ran out of wine. So Mary told Jesus to help, and then she left the kitchen and told the servants, do whatever he tells you. Jesus ordered the servants to fill six big canvases full of water and he turned the water into wine. One could say that Mary encouraged Jesus to perform his first miracle. Mary was present at Jesus death, Resurrection, Ascension as well as the days before Pentecost (Delaney pg. 391). At the crucifixion of Jesus, when Jesus was hanged on the cross, Mary was given into the arms of John the Apostle (Delaney pg. 391). According to tradition Mary went to Ephesus, where she died, but another tradition states that she lived in Jerusalem until her death, which is believed to have occurred in 48 A.D. (Delaney pg. 391).The belief that Marys body was assumed into heaven is one of the oldest traditions in the church (Delaney 391). Assumption means risen into heaven. The Assumption of Mary is celebrated on August 15 (Holiday Year). Mary was the second person of the Holy Trinity, and was free from original sin from the moment of her birth (Delaney pg. 391). Appearances of Mary have been reported in the last century and a half, at Lourdes, Fatima, and La Salette (Delaney pg.391). Other feast days for Mary are The Annunciation of the Lord on March 25, the Visitation on May 31, the Presentation of the Lord on February 2, Our Lady of Sorrows on September 15, Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7, the Queenship of Mary on August 22, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God on January 1, and the Immaculate Heart of Mar y on Saturday following the second Sunday of Pentecost (Delaney pg.391). Mary had the choice to say no, and not have Jesus, it was all done by choice. Mary knew what would become of her if people found out that the baby inside her was not Josephs. She knew she would be stoned to death by the village. Mary might have feared that Joseph would have not believed her but, somewhere in her heart she probably wished he did. Mary also knew what would become of Jesus her only son. To live and raise Jesus and know he would die probably killed her inside, but she accepted the call because thats what God asked of her. You could only imagine what it would be like to lose your son and just sit there seeing him suffer in so much pain and you not being able to do anything about it. I admire Mary for everything she did. Mary was never thinking of herself she was always thinking of us and God. In my opinion Mary is one of the most brave and amazing woman I have ever heard of, and she does deserve the title Mother of God. When we pray the Hail Mary we are praying to Mary telling her to tell Jesus to help us and to pray for us. Mary wants and helps us get closer to Jesus. She wants us to follow the right path and she wants us to be with her and Jesus and the saints in heaven. Delaney, John J. Dictionary of saints. Garden City: Doubleday Company, Inc., 1980.Print. Difiore, Kathy. The Blessed Virgin and Her Examples of Faith in God. The Silent Scream. Several Sources Shelters. April 2007.Web.20 November 2010. Mary, Saint Mary, Virgin Mary.Saint Mary. N.p n.d Web. 13 November 2010. Hoilday Year. Holiday Year. Holiday Year. N.p. n.d. 9 December 2010.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Admissions Essay - My Long Route to Medical School -- Medicine College

Admissions Essay - My Long Route to Medical School    I have always loved science and had planned a science career from an early age. However, life circumstances required me to follow a longer, less traditional route toward my goal, learning useful skills and gaining valuable experience along the way.    From the time of my parents' divorce, when I was eleven, I have had heavy family responsibilities. Initially, these responsibilities included caring for my three younger brothers and sister, and maintaining our home, while my mother worked.    I began to work as soon as I was able, as my income was required to help support my family. I was fortunate to find work in a picture framing shop, where I was allowed the flexibility to schedule my nearly full-time work hours around my classes in high school, and later, in college.    In 1977, I entered Arizona State University with the goal of pursuing a career in veterinary medicine. However, I found it difficult to achieve good grades, work nearly full-time, and attend to my responsibilities at home. After two years, it wa... ...ese skills include performing tasks efficiently, managing my time well, coping with stressful situations, being flexible, and working hard for long hours. Evidence of this is my 3.84 GPA since returning to ASU in 1991, and achieved while maintaining a parenting role with my nephew and working as many as 70 hours per week. In addition, my years of meeting the public in the workplace have allowed me to develop good interpersonal skills. I believe that these qualities, along with my love of science, will enable me to become a competent and humane physician.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Theories of Post-Coloniality: Edward W. Said and W.B. Yeats :: Essays Papers

Theories of Post-Coloniality: Edward W. Said and W.B. Yeats (Citations from Said’s essay â€Å"Yeats and Decolonization† as published by Bay Press, not the Field Day pamphlet) Post-colonial theory, a mode of thought which accepts European Imperialism as a historical fact and attempts to address nations touched by colonial enterprises, has as yet failed to adequately consider Ireland as a post-colonial nation. Undoubtedly, Ireland is a post-colonial nation (where ‘post-’colonial refers to any consequence of colonial contact) with a body of literary work that may be read productively as post-colonial. Although colonialism, as a subject for Irish criticism and theory, has been tentatively broached (for example, see Celtic Revivals (1985) by Seamus Deane) Edward Said’s lecture â€Å"Yeats and Decolonization†, published as a pamphlet by Field Day in 1988, was an important catalyst for post-colonial study of Irish literature and culture. The premise of this now seminal study is that Yeats was a poet of decolonisation, a muse expressing the Irish experience of the dominant colonial power of Britain. Rather than reading Yeats’s poetry from the conventional perspective of high European modernism Said explains that â€Å"he appears to me, and I am sure many others in the Third World, to belong naturally to the other cultural domain† (3). Using this as his point of departure, Said enters into a line of argument which claims that Yeats was a central figure in debating and asserting an overt drive towards the construction of a national Irish identity as a vital act of decolonisation. Further, Said places Yeats within a global framework of anti-Imperialism, drawing parallels between the Irish poet and Third world writers and theorists such as Fanon, Neruda and Achebe. Though an incredibly influential essay, the reverberations of which may still be felt in Inventing Ireland and other texts, it is also a work that demands close analysis and is replete with short-sighted and ill-informed ideas. Said locates Ireland among territories like India, South America, Africa and Malaysia as a site of colonial contention. In doing so he emphasises Ireland’s role, and thus Irish literature, in colonial history as a member of the peripheral (from a Eurocentric viewpoint) Third World. According to this â€Å"bog dwellers† are paralleled as the Irish counterpart to â€Å"innumerable niggers, .... babus and wogs† (6). Yet, this argument, in retrospect, does not hold. Denis Donoghue (â€Å"Confusion in Irish Studies†) has explicitly condemned post-colonial theory for adopting a global paradigm of colonial experience as a discourse which treats all Empires as homogenous.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Customer Satisfaction of Fast Food Chains Essay

Therefore, this study suspects whether other important variables exist in fast food industry consumer behavior patterns to support this result. This study tries to combine variables that are related to fast food industry characteristics, such as consumption frequency, perceived price and convenience, to propose an integrated model of customer satisfaction and loyalty in the fast food industry, and apply relationship inertia as the mediator to discover the major factors that impact customer satisfaction and loyalty in the fast food industry. This study has collected 594 effective questionnaires and applied structural equation modeling (SEM) to verify the various path relations of the study model. The study result found that in addition to being positively impacted by customer satisfaction, customer loyalty will be impacted by customer relationship inertia more. In the relationship of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, customer relationship inertia plays a key mediator. In addition, perceived price has a negative impact on customer satisfaction and relationship inertia. Convenience will enhance customer satisfaction. Consumption frequency will enhance customer relationship inertia. Finally, this study expects to provide the study result to the fast food industry as a reference for enhancing the customer loyalty strategy. Key words: Customer satisfaction, relationship inertia, customer loyalty, convenience, perceived price. INTRODUCTION The enhancement of national income and the change of consumption habits have resulted in the rapid growth of the market scale in the service industry. In 2008, the average ratio of the global service industry accounted for over 60% of the overall Gross National Product (GNP), the average ration for major developed countries reached over 70%, and at the same time Taiwan also reached 73. 2% (Central Intelligence Agency, 2009). Taking Taiwan as an example, the total turnover of food retail was NT$261. billion in 2001, NT$302. 7 billion in 2006, and NT$321. 7 billion in 2009 (Ministry of Economic Affairs, R. O. C. , 2010). This indicates that the business scale of food retail has the gradual growth trend every year in Taiwan, and its market competition will inevitably become more intense. The fast food industry is the representative food retailer type in various countries. The overall fast food market in the US is expected to grow in the coming years and will cross the US$17 0 billion mark by 2010 (RNCOS, 2009). Corresponding author. E-mail: m9019011@chu. edu. tw Tel: +886-2-28102292. Fax: +886-2-2810-6688. Cheng et al. 5119 The fast food industry in Asia’s major countries, such as China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan can also create a production value over US$1 billion every year (Report buyer, 2009). However, occasionally, there will be some negative food safety events, such as the frying oil containing arsenic, and the beef event (Taiwan news, 2010), which will impact the image and performance of the corporation. However, after the storm has passed, the sales performance of fast food industry can all rise rapidly. This result, in addition to the response management of when the industry has a great crisis, is also a worthy exploration issue of consumers’ purchasing behavior in the fast food industry. For the service industry, the cost of developing a new customer is at least 5 to 9 times the cost to maintain an old customer (Raphel and Raphel, 1995). How to enhance customer satisfaction and customer loyalty will be the important factor that impacts the operating performance of the food retailer. Past studies indicate that customer loyalty will be positively impacted by customer satisfaction (Fornell, 1992; Gwinner et al. , 1998; HennigThurau et al. , 2002; Terblanche, 2006; Hsu, 2008). However, Bruhn and Grund (2000) pointed out that the factors that impact customer loyalty may have some other important factors which are not included in the consideration. Some scholars found that when customers benefit from the past frequent consumption behavior, relationship inertia will be formed, and the past consumer behavior will be continued (Ouellette and Wood, 1998), then there will be no strong motivation to look for alternative plans (Colgate and Danaher, 2000), and the service provider can therefore maintain the current relationship with the customer (Gounaris and Stathakopoulos, 2004). In the study of Carrasco et al. (2005), it also verified that in the consumption of food and service, consumers have the inertia behavior. In addition, consumers will have the habitual repeated purchase behavior due to convenient purchase or other factors (Heiens and Pleshko, 1997). When competitors offer a lower price, it will enhance the possibility of the customer changing the purchase behavior (Wathne et al. , 2001), and also undermine the consumer’s consumption inertia for the original company. The study found that there are three issues existing in the studies of customer purchasing behavior in the fast food industry: (1) Why can consumers rapidly return in such a short period of time after a fast food industry negative news outbreak, or even not be impacted at all. Therefore, regarding the factors that impact customer loyalty in the fast food industry, in addition to customer satisfaction, are there any other important impact factors? (2) The fast food industry is different from the general food retailer. It has the characteristics of being rapid, convenient, and having a low price; however, the commonly seen customer satisfaction model (e. g. American Customer Satisfaction Index; European Customer Customer Satisfaction Index) cannot really present these characteristics. 3) Inertial behavior exists in the food purchasing behavior (Carrasco et al. , 2005). However, there have been no scholars who have applied it to explore the relation between customer satisfaction and loyalty in the fast food industry. It can be seen that there is an important study gap that exists in the exploration of customer satisfaction and loyalty in the fast food industry; therefore, it creates the motive for the study to explore this issue. The major study purpose of the study is to integrate the related variables of fast food industry characteristics, such as consumption frequency, perceived price and convenience, and propose a customer satisfaction and loyalty integrated model for the fast food industry, and apply relationship inertia as the mediator to find out the major factor that impacted the customer satisfaction and loyalty in fast food industry, with the expectation to provide it as a reference for the fast food industry in developing the improvement strategy of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. LITERATURE REVIEW Customer satisfaction The primary task of a corporation is to create customer satisfaction. Profit is not the most important result; after all, it is only the feedback after satisfying the customer (Drucker, 1954). As long as the customer is satisfied, the corporation’s profit will relatively increase. Along with the more and more intense market competition and the rise of consumer awareness, customer satisfaction has a significant impact on corporate profits, and it can provide the future product or service quality of the corporation as a reference according the past consumption experience and assessment of customers. Therefore, customer satisfaction has become a recognized index which can be broadly applied in measuring customer consumption behavior. Customer satisfaction is regarded as customers can get more benefits than their cost (Liu and Yen, 2010). Different scholars’ definitions for customer satisfaction can be summarized as follows: Oliver (1981) thinks that customer satisfaction is the comments made by the surprising experience of product obtainment or consumption. Fornell (1992) pointed out that customer satisfaction is the overall measurement after a customer has purchased the product or used the service. It is the overall attitude created based on experience, which is the comparison of before (expectation) and after (feeling) the customer received the service (product). If the actual feeling after receiving the service exceeded the expectation before receiving the service, then the customer will be satisfied; if it is to the contrary, the customer will not be satisfied. 5120 Afr. J. Bus. Manage. In addition, Kotler (1997) thinks that customer satisfaction is a person’s happiness or disappointment, which is formed by comparing his/her perceived product performance (or result) and his/her product expectation. To be more specific, satisfaction is the function of perceived performance and expectation. Lin (2007) pointed out that good service quality will indeed satisfy the diversified demands of the customer, which means customer satisfaction is the overall assessment of products and services processed by customers according to the past experience. When the actual service result provided by the service provider is higher than the customer service expectation, then the customer will be very satisfied; if it is to the contrary, the customer will be very dissatisfied (Joewono and Kubota, 2007). In addition, Fornell et al. (1996) pointed out that the measurement of customer satisfaction can be divided into the overall satisfaction level of a customer on a corporation, the difference between expectation and actual feeling, and the difference between actual feeling and ideal perfect service (product). Combining all of the above-mentioned scholars’ dissertations, customer satisfaction is the result of comparing customer expectation and experience. Therefore, the study will refer to the perspective and measurement dimension of Fornell et al. (1996) as the basis for measuring food retailer satisfaction. Customer loyalty For the service industry, the cost of developing a new customer is at least 5 to 9 times the cost to maintain an old customer. If the customer loyalty can be increased 5% effectively, then 25-85% profit can be increased (Raphel and Raphel, 1995). Therefore, if the service industry wants to reduce the expenditures on money and time cost, it shall focus on maintaining customers, not obtaining new customers (Oliver, 1999). It will bring a long-term or short-term profit by maintaining a long-term relationship with the customer, because maintaining long-term relationship refers to keeping the customer and obtaining his/her loyalty (Ranaweera and Prabhu, 2003). It can be seen that the importance of customer loyalty establishment on the service industry operation cannot be understated. If the food service industry can keep the customer and make him/her a loyal customer, then it will also be able to bring long-term operating efficiency. Dick and Basu (1994) pointed out that customer loyalty can be divided into true loyalty, false loyalty, potential loyalty and no loyalty according to the strength level of the relationship between the personal attitude and repurchase behavior. Schneider and Bowen (1999) pointed out that customer loyalty refers to a customer’s possible repurchase behavior, and willingness to become a member of the service institution. Neal (1999) thinks that customer loyalty is the performance of a consumer still choosing the same product or service after comparing it with other competitor’s products with the premise that the competitive product can be easily purchased, and it will go through the four stages of perceived loyalty, emotional loyalty, intentional loyalty and action loyalty (Oliver, 1999). In the measurement of customer loyalty, Zeithaml et al. 1996) pointed out that the measurement items of customer loyalty in customer behavior intention include: repurchase after the price has increased (price tolerance), priority purchase and recommendation. Fornell et al. (1996) thinks that customer loyalty can be measured by the repurchase will and customer price tolerance. Gronholdt et al. (2000) pointed out that customer loy alty be constructed by the four measurement indexes of the repurchase will, the will of recommending the company or brand to others, price tolerance and cross-purchase will of the customer. Finally, the study mainly refers to the perspectives of Fornell et al. (1996) and Zeithaml et al. (1996) and the service characteristics of the food retailer to summarize the measurement method of customer loyalty in the behavior dimension of the four measurement indexes, which are repurchase will, recommending to others, price tolerance and priority repurchase. Relationship inertia Relationship inertia is a fixed consumption pattern. With all consumption, customers will purchase the same product because of habit, without the need to spend energy or time to think too much during the decision making process (Assael, 1998). The reason for this type of consumer purchasing the same brand or purchasing the same product repeatedly is that they feel comfortable due to not having to make new choices. When purchasing the same brand again, it can save time, and by being familiar with the brand, there will be no sense of difference, and also can reduce the perceived risk (Bloemer and Kasper, 1994). Dick and Basu (1994) pointed out that the false loyalty in customer loyalty has the characteristic of low preference attitude, and high repeat purchase rate, and inertia is a kind of false loyalty performance. In addition, Oliver (1999) pointed out that after the consumer decides to be on the relationship inertia track of action loyalty with a brand, then the previous assessment, trial and elimination in the consumption process can be removed, therefore, relationship inertia is the performance of action loyalty. Colgate and Danaher (2000) proposed that relationship inertia is the basis of human nature. When the customer is used to a specific thing, he/she will not have the motive that is too strong to look for alternatives plans, which means habit is an automatic behavioral tendency responding to a person’s past development (Limayem and Hirt, 2003). In other words, inertia is a specific future behavioral intension a person usually does and also Cheng et al. 5121 shows, which allows the current behavior to continue. Therefore people will continue and repeatedly do things in the way they are used to. Inertia is guided by rapid, easy, and the least attention grabbing perceived process, and can be a parallel processed with other activities, which does not have further thought or rational analysis on their behavior, and is just based on the habit (Ouellette and Wood, 1998; Gefen, 2003). After combining the aforementioned perspectives and the characteristics of food retail, the study defines the relationship inertia of the fast food industry customer as: customers often form a dependent and characteristic relationship with a specific food or service quality with their own habit factor. They will not have a motive that is too strong to look for alternative food service. Gremler (1995) defined relationship inertia as the inertial behavior during repeat purchase of consumers avoiding decision making and having high-repeatable visits. Therefore, â€Å"If there are no other reasons, the original store service will still be chosen†, â€Å"Unless I’m not satisfied, the original store service will still be chosen†, and â€Å"It is most unlikely for me to shop in the store† are used to measure relationship inertia. Carrasco et al. (2005) applied Panel data to view whether the customers’ consumption behavior has inertia, and found that indeed there is inertia behavior for consumers in the food and service consumption. From the abovementioned studies, the study refers to the perspectives of many scholars (Gremler, 1995; Gefen, 2003; Carrasco et al. , 2005) and combines them with the consumer characteristics of the fast food industry, and derived five items to measure the customer relationship inertia of the fast food industry. The items are respectively the fast food store visit inertia, familiarity, impression, will of continuous selection and will of enjoying to consume in this store. characteristics. It can be known from the abovementioned scholars’ perspectives that past frequency is often applied in measuring customer behavior intention, and to further understand consumer future behavior intention. With the frequency exploration of the abovementioned scholars, the study will apply the store consumption frequency at a specific time to measure the food consumption frequency. Perceived price Since the operating environment of the service industry changes rapidly, service industry suppliers often apply the method of reducing service quality to correspond to the dilemma of little profit, which therefore results in the lose-lose predicament of consumers and suppliers. From the consumer perspective, price is the amount which needs to be paid for the consumer to obtain the product (Hawkins et al. , 1983), or the price that the consumer must give up or sacrifice to obtain a product (Zeithaml, 1998).